Latest Discussion Topics Posts Lastest Response
Feature Requests for Eventure 24 THE MOLITOR
UPDATE - v.1.4+ for Eventure 8 THE MOLITOR
Show off your site using Eventure 6 doug
FAQ - Remove expired posts from the slider 21 THE MOLITOR
FAQ - Turn off auto hide feature for calendar post items. 9 THE MOLITOR
FAQ - Remove dot pattern at top of page 3 THE MOLITOR
FAQ - Show widgets at all times on post page 2 fatekid
Super basic light theme skin CSS for Eventure 1 THE MOLITOR
FAQ - Repeat/Recurring events 12 THE MOLITOR
FAQ - Slider order 9 THE MOLITOR
FAQ - RSVP and Payment plugins 1 THE MOLITOR
FAQ - I can't publish future posts 5 THE MOLITOR
FAQ - Contact form 7 update 4 THE MOLITOR
FAQ - Linking Slider Image to Post 3 THE MOLITOR
FAQ - Wordpress 3.5 & Eventure Scheduling 10 THE MOLITOR
FAQ - Change order of calendar items 1 THE MOLITOR
No Posts visible 1 Werfisch
need a few tweaks 6 flipnix 1 victortromp
Theme issues 1 amila
Homepage not rendering properly in Chrome 1 Mike
Featured picture showing weirdly 1 trejofernandez88
Slider Dissapearance 1 Saint808
Submission Page Categories 3 Saint808
Post Expiry 5 Mike
Featured images not showing in Homepage slider 6 THE MOLITOR
Homepage Layout 5 THE MOLITOR
Eventure Sliders 2 THE MOLITOR
Google Maps is Not Showing up in Posts 7 THE MOLITOR
Categories 8 THE MOLITOR
Change Slider Time 3 THE MOLITOR
Adsense option doesn't show 6 THE MOLITOR
Slider images doesn't work for responsive 8 THE MOLITOR
Sidebar before content 2 THE MOLITOR
How to change the backgroup color on event calendar? 3 THE MOLITOR
Update theme 2 THE MOLITOR
Event Calendar 2 THE MOLITOR
How should I create a custom contact form in this theme?? 2 THE MOLITOR
Theme installed but missing a lot of stuffs from demo 10 THE MOLITOR
the_content not found 2 THE MOLITOR
How to delete Page Title 4 THE MOLITOR
Order of Category post 6 THE MOLITOR
Display events on front page rather than showing calendar? 5 THE MOLITOR
I can't see slider and the menu on the front of events 2 THE MOLITOR