Multiple Tweets: The Necessary EVIL

Multiple Tweets: The Necessary Evil

If you frequent Twitter, you’ve likely seen it yourself: tweets tweeted multiple times by the same person. The sad truth is that this is a necessary evil.

Why Tweet?

Twitter is an amazing way to communicate to hundreds (if not thousands) of your friends and followers alike. Especially if your tweets lead to income, making sure everyone knows the latest thing going on in your business can be VERY beneficial to you financially.

The Problem

Twitter has LOTS of people. If your followers are following 1,000+ other users, it’s likely your latest tweet will get lost in the shuffle. In my experience, I follow some people who update their twitter every 30 minutes. This makes it very difficult to stay up-to-date with every single person/organization you follow. Depending on how frequently you check Twitter, you could be spending quite a bit of time reading past tweets – we’re talking HOURS here people.

The [EVIL] Solution

Tweeting the same thing multiple times. There. I said it. It’s the truth. You HAVE to tweet the same thing at least twice to ensure the majority of the people who follow you even have a chance of catching a glimpse of it. Sure it’s annoying to see the same thing twice. Sure it only makes things worse. But who said Twitter was perfect? Not me.

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